Louis van Gaal - Manager profile

IMAGO IMAGO IMAGO No information available. This is an overview of the career of a manager. This page displays all transfers for the selected player. Alongside the date of the transfer, the clubs involved and the transfer fee, it also displays the market value of the player at the time of the transfer.




Personal Details

Name in Home Country /
Full Name:
Aloysius Paulus Maria van Gaal
Date of birth/Age:Aug 8, 1951 (72)
Place of Birth:Amsterdam  Netherlands
Citizenship:Netherlands  Netherlands
Avg. term as coach:2.14 Years
Coaching Licence:Licence trainer
Preferred formation:3-4-1-2


No information available.


This is an overview of the career of a manager.

wappenClub & roleAppointedIn charge untilMatchesPPM
Ajax Amsterdam23/24 (Oct 3, 2023)expected --0.00
Netherlands21/22 (Aug 4, 2021)22/23 (Dec 31, 2022)202.35
Manchester United14/15 (Jul 14, 2014)15/16 (May 23, 2016)1031.81
Netherlands12/13 (Aug 1, 2012)14/15 (Jul 13, 2014)292.21
Bayern Munich09/10 (Jul 1, 2009)10/11 (Apr 10, 2011)962.03
AZ Alkmaar05/06 (Jul 1, 2005)08/09 (Jun 30, 2009)1781.92
Ajax Amsterdam03/04 (Nov 1, 2003)04/05 (Oct 31, 2004)-0.00
FC Barcelona02/03 (Jul 1, 2002)02/03 (Jan 28, 2003)301.77
Netherlands U2000/01 (Jun 5, 2001)01/02 (Jul 2, 2001)51.40
Netherlands00/01 (Jul 7, 2000)01/02 (Nov 30, 2001)142.00
FC Barcelona97/98 (Jul 1, 1997)99/00 (May 20, 2000)1701.88
Ajax Amsterdam91/92 (Sep 29, 1991)96/97 (Jun 30, 1997)2812.22
Ajax Amsterdam89/90 (Jul 1, 1989)91/92 (Sep 28, 1991)-0.00
Ajax Amsterdam U1988/89 (Jul 1, 1988)89/90 (Jun 30, 1990)-0.00
Ajax Amsterdam U2188/89 (Jul 1, 1988)89/90 (Jun 30, 1990)-0.00
AZ Alkmaar86/87 (Dec 1, 1986)86/87 (Jun 30, 1987)-0.00

Transfer history as a player

This page displays all transfers for the selected player. Alongside the date of the transfer, the clubs involved and the transfer fee, it also displays the market value of the player at the time of the transfer.

