Gustavo Roverano - Manager profile

No information available. This is an overview of the career of a manager. This page displays all transfers for the selected player. Alongside the date of the transfer, the clubs involved and the transfer fee, it also displays the market value of the player at the time of the transfer.

Personal Details

Name in Home Country /
Full Name:
Jorge Gustavo Roverano Soto
Date of birth/Age:Jul 22, 1967 (56)
Place of Birth:Montevideo  Uruguay
Citizenship:Uruguay  Uruguay
Peru  Peru
Avg. term as coach:0.48 Years
Coaching Licence:A Licence
Preferred formation:4-3-3 Attacking


No information available.


This is an overview of the career of a manager.

wappenClub & roleAppointedIn charge untilMatchesPPM
Comerciantes FC23/24 (Nov 23, 2023)expected --0.00
Comerciantes FC23/24 (Jul 16, 2023)23/24 (Nov 23, 2023)-0.00
CD Alfonso Ugarte de Puno22/23 (Jan 28, 2023)22/23 (May 30, 2023)71.43
Peru U2021/22 (Feb 16, 2022)22/23 (Oct 14, 2022)120.58
ADR Jicaral21/22 (Jul 1, 2021)21/22 (Sep 15, 2021)-0.00
Sport Chavelines Juniors20/21 (Nov 6, 2020)20/21 (Dec 31, 2020)81.75
Montevideo Wanderers19/20 (Jan 1, 2020)20/21 (Nov 6, 2020)-0.00
Alianza Atlético Sullana18/19 (Feb 12, 2019)19/20 (Dec 31, 2019)261.50
Club Cienciano17/18 (May 3, 2018)18/19 (Dec 31, 2018)342.00
CS Cartaginés17/18 (Jan 30, 2018)17/18 (May 3, 2018)140.64
Alianza Atlético Sullana15/16 (Dec 18, 2015)16/17 (Dec 31, 2016)441.25
Club Alianza Lima14/15 (May 19, 2015)15/16 (Oct 29, 2015)211.43
Deportivo Coopsol13/14 (Sep 1, 2013)13/14 (Nov 30, 2013)71.14
José Gálvez FBC10/11 (Jan 1, 2011)11/12 (Dec 31, 2011)-0.00

Transfer history as a player

This page displays all transfers for the selected player. Alongside the date of the transfer, the clubs involved and the transfer fee, it also displays the market value of the player at the time of the transfer.

08/09Jan 1, 2009Deportivo GarcilasoRetired--
07/08Jan 1, 2008Total CleanDeportivo Garcilaso-?
06/07Jan 1, 2007José Gálvez FBCTotal Clean-?
05/06Jan 1, 2006Universidad San Martín de PorresJosé Gálvez FBC-?
04/05Jan 1, 2005Club Sporting CristalUniversidad San Martín de Porres-?
03/04Jan 1, 2004Club Alianza LimaClub Sporting Cristal-?
00/01Jan 1, 2001Alianza Atlético SullanaClub Alianza Lima-?
98/99Jan 1, 1999Deportivo Pesquero ChimboteAlianza Atlético Sullana-?
96/97Jan 1, 1997Central EspañolDeportivo Pesquero Chimbote-?
95/96Jan 1, 1996AD Union MagdalenaCentral Español-?
94/95Jan 1, 1995Club Atlético Bella VistaAD Union Magdalena-?
93/94Jan 1, 1994Club Atlético CerroClub Atlético Bella Vista-?
92/93Dec 31, 1992Deportes ConcepciónClub Atlético Cerro-End of loan
91/92Jan 1, 1992Club Atlético CerroDeportes Concepción-loan transfer
Total transfer fees:0 

