AuctionAds May Performance

Last month I did a lot of testing with AuctionAds. There was a lot of speculation on how the program would perform. I heard some people say it makes more than Google Adsense, while Ive heard many others say it made them nothing. The program seems to perform best on shopping or product related sites,

Last month I did a lot of testing with AuctionAds. There was a lot of speculation on how the program would perform. I heard some people say it makes more than Google Adsense, while I’ve heard many others say it made them nothing. The program seems to perform best on shopping or product related sites, as the user would be more likely to make a purchase. How would AuctionAds compare to other network I run on my sites?

I don’t have any shopping or sales related sites, but I went ahead with testing anyway. At first I was seeing some very low numbers and wasn’t too thrilled about the program, but still wanted to test it enough so I would earn my first check with them. My target was to make at least .01 per click with the program. From my initial testing with only one 468×60 banner on one of my sites, I was pulling only .0037 per click. Unhappy with the results I decided to throw a couple more 468×60 banners and some new skyscrapers. I targeted the banners to show items ranging from funny tshirts, celebrities, games, ipods and more. I was able to push a lot more volume and the earnings per click jumped up a decent amount.

Play Around with Your Ad Targeting to Increase Clicks & Earnings

While the earnings above are hopefully still updating, they still give a pretty accurate average on how the month ended out. Total earnings for the month ended at $216.27, from over 3 Million impressions and 23,565 clicks… rounding out to just under a penny per click, at 0.0091. I would like to see a few more updates to last months stats (as they are delayed), and to push the earnings per click to at least a penny.

Auction Ads Earnings for May 2007

Even though the numbers from last month were low, I will still push the program this month because of the new higher payouts coming into effect this month. Also, I only started running Auction Ads on the 9th of last month. With the new higher payouts in effect and a full month’s worth of running the campaigns, I would really like to see end of the month earnings around $750 and a little more than a penny earned per click. If I continue to see a penny or less per click, I will have to play with the targeting more, or replace the campaign with better performers.

